
Step Up...Another Repeat...I'm Consolidating...Chill the Eff OUT.....

I've come to the conclusion that most of my blog posts are birthed from revelations that I've had about friends of mine who at random times in my life, simply come through for me. Coming through for me doesn't mean that they loaned me money, saved me from a burning house, but they were there when I needed someone.

I went back through my posts and there they were. The majority of my posts are me realizing how much certain people mean to me and me feeling that I might not be able to go visit them and tell them to their faces or give them a hug for just being keen folk, but I feel that my Blog is a fine place to say Thank You for being a fantastic individual and YOU make my life a rosier place to be.

One such friend of mine is my fine, friend Beth from the Washington area. I've never met Beth from the Washington area. Though we met through a work phone call, we instantly appreciated each others' ability to understand. Whether we are telling dirty jokes, laughing at each other, or sharing epiphanies we've had; we 'get' each other.

There are people that we come across in our daily lives that if we, in a spirit of sincerity, made inquiry into each other's lives we'd find that everytime we learn something new about the other we find our lives are enriched and strengthened.
There isn't a cosmic rule book that dictates that we must show an interest in anybody's life but our own, but if we look at the basic make up of people, we'll find that everyone enjoys meeting people who are genuinely interested in them...
Everyday we come into contact with people who have something going on. The checkstand girl, the guy you bought coffee from this morning, or just some stranger you sit next to on the bus...
We must be vigilant and not let our routine allow the people in our lives become 'faceless' and fade into the background of our lives.
Beth and I could have merely conducted our business and never spoken again. But we didn't and both of us have gained a dear friend.

Another perk to becoming aquainted with the people in our lives is that the relationships will be much more pure than us 'scoping-out' the people around us and'filtering' people in and out of our live. We have nothing to hide from the unassuming people that populate our lives.

Another such individual is my new girlfriend, Manda. She works at the local branch of an insurance company who I won't mention their name bacause they aren't going to pay me for this small bit of free advertising. I will however say that "...they aren't 100% in love with your tone right now." But I called her about three weeks after I returned from fighting our War on Terror, to ensure that my coverage was still good and to make sure that, that damn gecko hadn't pooped all over my policy. Gecko poop, never comes out. Not with a Tide pen or Mom spit or anything. (DISCLAIMER** Tide is getting a letter from me demanding $0.05 every time I mention them in this particular post.) But anyway what should have been a 6.5 minute transaction turned into a 25min conversation about why a hot sounding chick was in J-ville and wasn't married. I know what you are thinking..."Just cause she sounds hot doesn't mean she is..." (Thanks, Ass.) So we had a delightful conversation and proceed to have them for the following week and a half...we didn't actually meet each other until she invited me to a Christmas party with her folks. Who does that though? Really! Hey yeah we've never met but come hang out with me and my folks...But enjoying the challenge of winning over said wholesome, well-reared, socially adjusted, intelligent, woman of phenomenal breeding and her Patriachal, hierarchy was just what this Kid needed. So we've been seeing each other for the last almost two months and so far, so good....
I told all of you that so you would see that I practice what I preach...So go out there and make some friends....

I love you all and God Bless...

1 comment:

2cool4school said...

Geckos poop? Hell, I guess they do. I've never seen geckos poop but i bet if i did it would be bad ass! I wonder if it smells like crickets...