
Ok...Consequences...It's what you can expect if you do something STUPID>

Before I start this post, I'm going to let you know that you're going to think that I'm an insensitive douchebag.

Elizabeth Securro a girl who went to UVA as a 17 year-old virgin in 1984, went to a frat party with her new, homosexual friend, who remains nameless, thankfully enough his name is of no importance. The party evidently and according to NBC's Dateline, Saturday night edition, was a typical fraternity party, with scantily-clad women, free flowing beer and enough drunkeness to render an under-aged Liz, drunk in a new place. She surrounded by people she couldn't trust for the simple reason that she didn't know any of them...

She accepted drink from one of the frat-brothers, during a "Tour of the Frat House", called the House-Special. Ok. Pause. If you, regardless of age, are a young woman who accepts a drink from a stranger called a House-Special, then you are a d*mbsh*t.

And away we go again...20 years later she recieves a leter from the alleged rapist; William Beebe. He wrote it to apologize for assaulting her 20 years ago. She wrote him back!
Pause. If you were assaulted and then received a letter from the alleged offender, would you write him back? I personally wouldn't. Who's to say that Beebe wouldn't get off knowing that he permenantly scarred ole'girl? Also, College parties can get pretty wild and crazy.

Moving on; Can you hold someone responsible for rape if you were drunk, under-age in a new place and accepting a drink called the HOUSE-SPECIAL, from a strange man? After corresponding with Beebe for a number of emails, she reasoned in her heart that the only person that could help her sort all this out was the local police chief.

So after 23 years she's pressing charges, trying to get Beebe convicted of a rape that happened over two decades ago. I say that if she gets to charge him with rape, she needs to be charged with under-aged drinking, because even in 1984, 17 was under-aged.

I'm going to play devils-reject for a second; Do you think, honestly, that Beebe was the only guy that decided it was a good idea to cash in on a young, nubile, unconscious, allegedly virgin chick? NO. I'm going to say that Liz Securro was more than likely hit by a train. A long, convenient, likely un-express, train.

I'm a Pretty Cocky Individual...But it's Not a Good Look For You....

I Love people who think that by talking a bunch of smack, that constitutes, 'Bringing-It'. Case-in-Point: Manda and I went on a bowling adventure and the whole time from when I agreed to go to the time we got there, then for the first game she just talked, buzz and then I ended up winning by one pin.

What my 'other' doesn't know is that, this kid can roll and has been rolling since I was knee-high to a grasshopper so when someone throws down the bowling gauntlet, I'll pick it up, slap them in the face with it and then beat the hell out of them on the lanes....

It was also funny that we were playing with two of her friends. Well let me clarify, one was one of her girlfriends and then that chick brought one of her buddies. It hurt to beat her three times in a row, and each one was worse than the last. At the end of the night I'd won all three of the games that we played, the first game was, as I previously mentioned, was by one. The second time I won by about 30 pins and the third and last game was a blowout: 65 points. Fun times at the lanes.

I think what made the victories that much sweeter is that I sandbagged the first game and then pulled it out to win by one. The subsequent games just allowed me to widen the void by rolling like a champion.

Every time I'm accused of being an arrogant I mention the Kid Rock lyric: "They say I'm cocky and I say what? It's not cocky if you can back it up." I'm not sure if that's exactly the way it goes, but....you get the gist.

So for all of you who prematurely talk smack, ensue that you can back it up or else you might end up looking like a fool. Good Day and Piece Out...


Getting My Car Inspected is Usually a Painless Process....

But for those of you who live in the fair an beautiful state of North Carolina...you know that if you are even one say late on getting your car re-inspected you are in for a $250.00 fine courtesy of the North Carolina state government.

This time I was headed over to my mechanic's shop, bracing for a hefty fine considering my car hadn't been inspected since June 2006...But luckily my mechanic is a fine, fine individual and didn't charge me anything but the $10 inspection fee.

Right on!

I left work really early today so I haven't come into contact with anyone who triggered a fantastic post, so there's my excuse for this being the only thing I have going on...sorry.

Piece Out!

Stand By...My Friends...A Post is Coming...Probably this Afternoon...

I'm going to get my car inspected...as mundane as this sounds, it is prohibitting me from successfully formulating a relevent and informative post...but don't dismay...I'll be back...not in a Gay "Terminator-way", just in a normal, "I'm-Leaving-But-Returning-Sort-Of-Way"...Piece Out....


Put Down the Razorblade and Take a Vacation...Across the Street or into a Sack Lunch...

Here I am sitting in my office, staring blankly at my monitor, waiting, waiting some more, and to top it off I've decided to wait a bit. For what? I'm not sure. But I have every confidence that when, whatever it is comes along I'll recognize it as what I'm waiting for.
It's not friends, got those. It's not money, don't have enough of it but I'm doin' alright. It's not religion, I've had that for awhile.

Maybe it's something as small as good weather? It's been bleak and dreary here, as it has been all over the East Coast. Down in the fair and beautiful state of North Carolina we've had a bunch of rain, cold weather, and overcast skies. If you were to travel in a northernly fashion away from Eastern North Carolina, you'd end up seeing some snow, which if it's not still snowing, is now mush and slush.

I mentioned all of that to mention an article that I was forwarded by ITE, yesterday:

Evidently yesterday was 'clinically' proven to be the most depressing day of the year. When Initially heard/read that I thought 'wow!'. I would have thought that the most depressing day would be everyday considering that everyday in 2001, 84 people committed suicide. (According to the National Center forInjury Prevention and Control) So making the blanket statment that any one day is more depressing than any other has, at least in 2001, 84 people disagreeing with you. According to, psychologist, Cliff Arnell who at the time of this epiphany was a part-time lecturer at the University of Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning in Wales, he has devised a method, nay a formula, to calculate something as seemingly intangible as depression. It reads as follows:
[W + (D-d)] x TQM x NA.
All of the letters and symbols apparently represent a sort of mathematical code to track the following:
W: How bad the weather is at this time of year.
D: Amount of debt accumulated over the holidays minus how much is paid off.
T: The time since the holidays.
Q: Amount of time passed since New Year’s resolutions have gone south.
M: Our general motivation levels.
NA: The need to take action.

I'm about to attribute the fact that I'm taking snippets, word for word out of the article found on MSN.com in the Health and Fitness section. If you would like to read the article in it's entirety here's the link:
Good Day to Stay in Bed?.

Evidently his formula was born out of a need to sell more winter getaways for a company called Sky Travel. Who in a moment of marketing genius decided that if they brought science to the plate, people would respond better. Thus be more likely to spend their money with a company that cares so much about their customers that, they took the initiative to research the inner workings of their minds. After delving into the dark canyons of their minds they've concluded that if they took a vacation after the new year they would be better equiped to ward off feelings of inadequacy.

Here's what one person had to say about his theory:

“It’s based on no science, no research and it’s incredibly gimmicky,” says Ellen McGrath, Ph.D., president and founder of Bridge Coaching Institute in New York City. “But as a marketing strategy, it’s brilliant.”

I'm an alumnus of the school of thought that promotes surrounding yourself with positive people, maybe renewing your faith, or even shooting for the stars and accomplishing something this year that isn't as trivial and quiting smoking or losing weight. Those things are good and they are certainly fantastic goals to have for improving your exsistance but all of those have selfish motivation. I pose a challenge: instead of looking "IN" at your problems, look "OUT" and help someone through one or all of their issues. I have found that whenever I'm feeling down and out, looking at why I'm stuck in a rut, doesn't help. Re-aligning your focus exclusively on yourself, blots out the people in your life and I believe leads to a type of depression that is total and close it inescapable. Most often people get depressed because they feel that their lives lack purpose or the purpose they thought they were fulfilling ends up being diminutive and moot. If your purpose is the people around you then you've got a constant, actual purpose, because there will always be people around you that need someone to talk to or need someone to act as a sounding board for ideas or issues that they are facing in their; personal, professional, spiritual, or any other aspect of their lives that may be in a state of upheaval.

Where vacations are a good way to get away and clearing your head, I find that focusing on a different problem often helps or not focusing on anything. You can take a vacation everyday, by talking to someone that you've never talked to before, taking a different route home, stepping back and looking at your routine and figuring out how you can mix it up a bit, eat lunch somewhere else, bring your lunch with you. I'm glad that people have all this time on their hands to do "...gimicky..." un-research, research but ultimately you've got the power to be depressed or not.

There's what I was waiting for... I hope that it's helps...if it doesn't I'm here for you....

Piece Out...


Illimitable, Transcendental, Essence...ITE?

il·lim·it·a·ble –adjective
not limitable; limitless; boundless.

tran·scen·den·tal –adjective
2. being beyond ordinary or common experience, thought, or belief; supernatural.
es·sence –noun
1. the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features: Freedom is the very essence of our democracy.

When you put all of the above terms together you get an; Illimitable Transcendental Essence or ITE, for short.

Everyone talks to themselves. Regardless of what you may say or how vehemently you deny it, you do it. ITE (Pronounced Like MITE without the (M).) is who you are talking to. Some people actually have a person as ITE, some just talk into the air or ITE lives in their head.

ITE is the person or entity that we talk to and helps us solve everyday problems or helps us organize our thoughts. This is not to be confused with merely reading something outloud. That is just what is it; reading outloud. When conversing with your ITE, you are sending, random and usually disjointed: thoughts, grievances, concerns, or quips into the air in hopes that you with the help of your ITE make some sense of them. Thus, solving your problem or enlightening yourself.

I'm the former, I have ITE. She lives in Washington D.C. and I've never met her in the flesh. She would undoubtably be much less married if she were to ever meet me in the flesh or she would leave North Carolina wearing a large scarlet A. It wouldn't be my fault either, it's my presence.

ITE that happens to be an actual person has a tendancy to be that literal voice of reason and a literal 'devil's advocate' with much less 'devil' and much more 'advocate'.

She is a fine individual with a rapier wit and a panache that often intimidates me and has on more than one occasion caused me to rethink my position on living, like whether or not I even wanted to continue. She is saucy and provocative. She talks to me like she actually enjoys my company and shares her positions and opinions in a less than condescending way. I find myself awaiting her calls and quips with fertive antcipation, as if I'd die if they never came.

We shared a conversation recently where we decided that we had a relationship, the likes of which is rarely seen and is so intangible, people don't even know how pursue it.
If para- adventure they wanted one for their very own.

It's one of those things that if you don't have ITE or have never 'fallen' into ITE you have no frame of reference and don't have the slightest clue as to what I'm talking about. In which case you should use your cursor to click, the tiny (X), which is undoubtably in the upper right hand corner of this internet browser window and get out of my life.

One of you is undoubtably going to ask me why I'm not refering to ITE with a definite article placed in front of it. I have omitted the definite articles from ITE because ITE simply; IS.

Thank you for your attention on this vague, abstract thought...Good Day and Piece Out....

It's Random Advice Time...

Welcome to another edition of "It's Random Advice Time..."

Today's advice comes from a T-Shirt, for sale on the world-renowned website; www.bustedtees.com...

"I French Kissed Kelly Kapowski..."

Thanks for tuning in. This has been "It's Random Advice Time..."

Women are Like Dogs...They Pee on Everything...

Ha Ha! I knew that title was too much for you not to read further into my claim. I'm sorry to disappoint you fetishists who enjoy being the pee-er and/or the pee-ee, I'm speaking figuratively not literally.
Manda, my girlfriend of almost two months, shared with me last night that she would not be visiting my Myspace page anymore due to the influx of smokin' hot friends who have been leaving me comments. The comments include but aren't limited to; "...If you can sneak out of the house, come have raunchy sex with me while my husband watches...", or the ever popular; "...Me and my girlfriend(s) are bored and tired of using these silly dildos, can we use borrow the Envy of Men and Pleaser of Women, the famed Roger Brunswick?"
That is why my darling will not be frequenting my page anymore. Whilst most guys would be incensed and offended, I'm not 'most-guys'. I'm going to revel in the fact that the woman I'm seeing is fine with not Mystalking me. Which also leaves me with more time to recruit women to occupy the 'Back-Burners' of my life, just in case we don't work out. MONEY.
Of course I'm kidding. The main reason for this post is that I'm calling her bluff. I think that she is telling me that so I wonlt be suspicious of her internet actions. I'll give her the fact that the women on my site (www.myspace.com/warrenpiece_) make her angry with the promiscuous comments, but I'm going to call it right now: she's still going to check and after I get about 5 or 6 more racy comments she'll be forced to leave a comment just to let the other women know that she is still the Alpha-Chick. So those of you who read this, go check out my page and feel free to participate in my Racy Comment Rundown....
It is true that women are like dogs. A dog knows that if they are given a piece of fantastically, tender, delicious meat, they will defend it to the death or until they eat it way too fast to enjoy it because dogs are stupid.
Women know when they have a good thing, I mean look at Manda, she's dating me. They get very territorial when they see another woman, 'sniffing-around' their piece of delicious 'man-meat'and they want to fight or boycott Myspace pages.
It isn't enough that you might spend an inordinate amount of time with your woman. They want to try and invade your very consciousness. That is why, when they don't know where you are and with whom you are with, they'll send you text messages that they subconsciously will demand that you respond to. Or they may call you, over and over and over, and over and when you don't pick up they'll automatically assume that you aren't answering because you are 'balls-deep' in their bestfriend or some other random whore. (DISCLAIMER** To the men that are reading and committing this to memory; EVERY WOMAN THAT ISN'T THEM IS ,INFACT, A RANDOM WHORE.)

So that my friends and BlockersThat is why, despite your fetishes and unquenchable lust for strange pornography, women are like dogs.

Much Love and Piece Out,


Alright Crazies, I'm Back....

Hello all and Greetings from your wayward blogster...I've been away and now I'm back so even if I have nothing to say I'm going to be posting here along with my Myspace Blog....so thanks to all of you who are reading this and I'll see you in the Blogosphere....BADOW!