
A Day Without Sunshine is Like, Night....

Right! Not much is happening, I've taken some "sick-days" for the moment and I'm going to enjoy doing nothing for a bit. The only problem with this is that I'm not in my normal work environment, thus I don't have much to write about.

I guess I could come up with something profound and ponder-worthy but you know what? I'm not going to. How about that? That's what I thought. Gym Class Heroes are a fantastic band.

I'm seriously not feeling anything to write. Thanks for stopping by. Really. It means the world to me that you are keeping up your, effortless side of our relationship. All you need to do is stop surfing porn on your work PC and navigate over to the BlockThat! domain and check out whatever's been stewing in my tiny, articulate brain, that I've decided to share with you.

It's all reading with you. You are merely a consumer. You mean the world to me, but all you do is use, use, use. Take, take,take. Only some of you give back. But the few of you, motivate me to continue mulling things over with you...This is basically this my "Thinking Out Loud Place".

I've got some serious bills to pay. Man. Payday tomorrow. Nice.

Snow tires. Why are snow tires so funny? Go ahead, interject "Snow Tires" into a random conversation. It's magical. i.e.:

Scene: Guy One and Two work at an insurance company and they are cubicle-mates, in this scene Guy One is obviously eating a "Handful of Emerald nuts" (In effort to keep up his energy, so Robert Goulet doesn't get him fired.) When Guy One turns to him and says;

Guy One: "Hey Bill, what's goin on, man?"
Guy Two: "Nothing, just shopping for snow tires."

HA! Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! That is hilarious. It's funny cause he's actually NOT shopping for snow tires. haha, classic.

Two missions for you Bloggites: Watch out for Robert Goulet and use Snow Tires in a conversation and let me know how it goes.

Piece Out!


2cool4school said...

Narrator: A guy walks into a bar...
(doors open in walks Robert Goulet)
Barfly:(interrupts)Holy sh!t it's Robert Goulet!
Narrator:Hey bro, i'm trying to tell a joke here...
Robert:Snow tires!
Patrons: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Lois Lane v7.0 said...

I'm ignoring your marching orders to bask in my effortless end of our blog relationship. :-D

Snow day, holla!