
Good Day...

Hello fans. I was working early this morning so I didn't get to get on here and share my thoughts with all of you. I'm kind of depleted after the week I've been having. Because of being constantly surrounded by ineptitude and incompetence, my brain is eating itself. But good news on the homefront; there was the threat of me needing to move out of my current living arrangements with my good buddy who will remain nameless to preserve not only his coolness but his privacy. I'm certainly looking forward to leaving work today and going home to take a nap. Which will serve as a perfect segway into a story. It's a story about how my "Thought of the Day" was a hot shower and a nap after work...not Happening...
I love women just as much as the next guy but they can be really dumb. Seriously.
This person I know (sorry an actual term evaded me..) found herself with a flat tire the other day. She called me and I sent her to a reputable tire repair place and she went there and got her tires fixed. The next day she calls me and says that I owe her. I responded with a "You've got to be out of your fr*ck*n' mind...Explain." She said that her tires were flat and that it was my fault because I recommended the place to her. So I decided to forgo my nap and help her out. If she were a dude then she wouldn't have needed me to go with her. She was afraid that they were going to charge her to fix the tire. I told her they wouldn't but she insisted that shey would. Long story short I saved the day. I think that she wants something from me that I don't want to give her. More on that later.

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