
Happy Friday...So Long As You Don't Have to Work Late...

It's a great day. A project that we had to do at work that required us to get up at an inane hour was cancelled and I recieved word as I was leaving to meet up with everyone.
Now this situation would have taken an immediate turn for the worst had I arrived at the rendezvous point to find out that it was cancelled. Instead I was still within a comfortable 'turn-around' distance from my house to be elated by the news of the cancellation and even happier that I was still close to home.
So, despite the best efforts of my superiors to 'doodle-me-in-the-exit-only', I once again emerge victorious. Granted the reason the poject got cancelled was for rain, it doesn't matter. Cancelled is Cancelled is well, Cancelled. BADOW! So until later...Happy Friday.

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