
Community College is easier than Regular College...

....That's probably why I'm doing so well...

I'm sitting here in my usually haunt, downloading pirated music of off a free hosting software that combines a small green citrusy fruit and something that conducts electricity. I thank you.

I'm really enjoying some Silverchair right now. Really. I Miss You Love and Straight Lines are both awesome songs. Mind-blowing.

I'm officially against the war in Iraq. I haven't really sided on my blogosphere so now I am.
I was thinking the other day, I enlisted in the Marine Corps in November 2002 did my time, including a deployment to the nether region of the world and got out in June 2007. The part that blows me away is that we are still at war. I remember discussing the war in boot camp and how the guys were hoping that it wasn't over before we graduated. How unfortunate is it that the war wasn't over by a long shot.

Having been eight-years old when Desert Shield and Desert Storm were going on, I remember seeing the hordes of Saddam's men surrendering and bowing before our armored brigades as they thundered across Kuwait. I've been to the Death Road in Kuwait, I was there this past summer and there are still remnants of vehicles that have been their from the early 90's.

I recently talked about the war with a new Marine Lieutenant and his take was that of a junior enlisted Marine who just wants to kill people.

I firmly believe that we didn't have enough of a good reason to be in Iraq blowing things up. I think that the evidence pointed so much stronger towards Afghanistan. If we'd sent the awesome might that we sent to Iraq to Afghanistan we'd be done or might have been done a couple years ago.

The Lieutenant who we'll call Guy said that a valid reason to attack Iraq was that 'Horrendous things were being done...'. He is of the school of thought that we as Americans should be World Police because we've done it right and our country is so awesome. Guy missed the part that Iraq is a sovereign nation who if they want to whack all of their people then they'll be a smaller sovereign nation. I think that we should be less interested in the affairs of other nations. It's none of our business if they want to do terrible things to their people. If their people don't like it then fight or leave. We did it. We told Britain to pound sand all of those years ago and we're doing great. If those crappy countries can't rally around a person or ideal to recify a problem then they deserve what they get. Good Riddance.

I'm also concerned about the up coming election and I'm planning on being much more vigilant this election than I have been. Be sure to check back in a couple days when I'll have some fact sheets and run downs of canidates and where I'm leaning. I will admit that I voted for Bush, twice. Not because I love him but because I hated the other party more. I am serious when I say that the country and the world for that matter needs a Bush Break...So I'm off to look at Obama's page...stand by...

Piece Out, Citizens....


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