
Insrt Rndm Ttl Hr....A wrld wtht vwls s fn....

No Vowels. Ha Ha, Clever.

I'm posting here as a man, who really doesn't enjoy working. Especially right now. I just got done working three days straight on the yearbook that I mentioned in the last post. I'm busting my hump over this thing and it never seems like it's going anywhere. I went to work at the normal time two days ago; 8:30 to 4:30. I left and went to dinner with Manda and her folks and by 8pm I was back at work, sitting at my desk inserting photos from every branch and division within the company. Individual photos in pure yearbook format. I got 5 of the 7 divisions done, which come to about 120 photos a piece, and left around 3:30am. I'm a tired kid.

Two days ago I recieved a call from a high school girlfriend who told me that one of our older friends from the neighborhood who suffered from degenerative arthritis, retired to his bathroom and proceeded to blow his brains out. His lovely wife found him the next morning. I will be attending his wake today and his funural tomorrow.

More death: Anna Nicole Smith is dead. She was 39 and the cause of death is still being determined. This, very soon after her 20-ish year old son died of an overdose.

I casually mentioned to my room mate that I would appreciate it if when they did the autopsy that she died of the an overdose of the same substance that killed her son. I would enjoy that. My roomie said that I was insensative. I think that would make for some great news!

I wish I had something else to write about but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with this. But considering that I'm going to be attending a funeral tomorrow, expect a post about death or the value of life or something along those lines....until then...Love, Piece, and Snow Tires...

1 comment:

2cool4school said...

R.I.P.-Terry Schivo
R.I.P.- Pope John Paul III
