
I Have The Power...So I'm Gonna Use It...Deal With It.

Hello. How are you doing today? I am very well. I'm thinking of a number...between 1 and 3, can you guess which one I'm thinking of? No you stupid, Douche, it's not 5. You are so stupid and you are not attractive.

That had absolutely nothing to do with this post. I posting about people. As it usually is. I'm an avid people watcher. I enjoy watching them interact with each other. I enjoy thinking about how superior I am to them. I also enjoy their missfortunes. What is funnier than watching someone fall down? Seriously. Especially if it's an adult. Kids, you expect to be a little wobbly. But adults are hilarious. My favorite thing to say when I'm in close proximity to a person who falls down, ready? Here we go: "First day on the new legs?" Ha ha Ha ha. That is never, not, funny. haha. Well I'm at work so I thought I'd share that with you. Thanks and if you use it let me know how it goes. Piece Out.


Lois Lane v7.0 said...

Again, I am reminded of how horrible a human being you are.

I am, however, standing by for the next time someone crashes onto the floor in front of me. They're gettin' an earful of laughter, as well as your ever-so-ingenious point-and-laugh phrase.

Happy Monday. ;)

2cool4school said...

the new legs comment...still laughing. i love that one. keep it going bro! you're the best!

-captain package