
So...If Best Friends Were Made of Gold...We Wouldn't Have Too Much Fun...But We'd Be Rich...

I've made a realization. I'm not the center of the Universe though my State-Trooper-Sunglasses-Inspired attitude would have people think that I'm not only the center of mine but there's as well.
I enjoy walking into a room and 'working it'. I mean you walk in and people aren't sure if they should have your permission to talk or if they are free to share their thoughts. I enjoy that. I've been fairly successful at doing that here recently. I enjoy the feeling when everything I say is relevent and bystanders don't feel the need to comment because I've just said everything that needs to be said. My best-friend: Dirks California and I can do it...seriously. Sometimes it's so money that nobody even knows it's happening. We do. That's what matters. They'll come around eventually.
I hope that all of you have a best friend. Someone who you click with so well that if everyone died but you two it would be hard for you to notice. I'm not talking about a spouse or girlfriend or boyfriend...I'm talking about a best friend. Some people are of the school of thought that your husband or wife should be your best friend. I think I disagree. I think we try too hard to impress the man or woman that we want to marry, thus it's more like a job. Any of you who are in or are trying to get into a relationship know that it's work and can be stressful. A best friend is best because there isn't any stress. Infact best friends are the anti-stress.
Dirks and I used to work together before I started working at a new place. I'm doing the same job just in a different section. But he and I anger some of our coworkers. We share a common trait, we are both easily amused. We also laugh at ourselves just as hard as we laugh at other people. People don't understand our humor and often label it sophmoric and write it off. Other covet our humor and our seemingly inexhuastible fun.
That is why I treasure the one I have now so much.
I'm on a business trip now and far away from those I love. That is the seed, this weed of introspection is growing from...

Here's a piece of advice: Friends are only forever if you let them be regardless of geography or circumstance...I Love You all...Piece Out!

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