
I've Been a Bad Friend and an Even Worse Blog Jockey...

So there I was dissatisfied with my job and trying to figure out what I was going to do about it. So I quit. BADOW! I just quit...no just kidding. I asked for a transfer and I got it. So instead of writing for a boring newspaper, which I loved but it got old. I'm going to be a field reporter responsible for updating a website and sending in stories to a couple of different papers. Thus I'm going to be even slower in posting. I encourage everyone to keep checking back because I'm sure I'm going to have some neat stuff to talk about from my travels...In fact I'm headed up to Virginia to cover a story about people camping in Eastern Virginia. If I learn anything cool I'll let you all know. You guys are the coolest those of you loyal readers. To my dear friends you know who you are...Dirks and Sue...you guys rock my face off...I'll see you on the flip side...Piece Out!

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