
George Sodini Was a Basketcase...He Did Humanity a Favor by Offing Himself...The Women He Shot Didn't Deserve it...

I was directed to the blog/journal of George Sodini by a co-worker. I had heard about the event, but didn't do much research. I wrote it off as another wack-job who didn't have the gumption to make something out of himself and decided to exact his anger through shooting innocent women, who were just working out. Turns out I was right and nothing supported it more than reading his blog. http://georgesodini.com/20090804.htm. This is a tormented man.

Give the blog a read.

The biggest lesson I think we can glean from this is to pay attention to your friends. Just because they can project a confident, happy-go-lucky demeanor doesn't mean everything is ok. This guy seemed good at his job, in pretty good shape for his age, he was trying to improve his quality of life with seemingly good habits...

He needed a friend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making him a martyr. I think he's a lunatic and should've been talking to a shrink. You'll notice a trend though, throughout his blog...he never owns his inadequacies. He never takes any responsibility for his actions or his short-comings. He blames his brother, jackass co-workers, his mom, job and it goes on and on and on...

My families prayers and best wishes go out to the families of the women who were unfairly robbed of their loved ones.

Thanks for reading,


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