
An Update so You Don't Think I Hate You...I Love You.

Many things have happened since my last update.

I'm back on ADOS orders, which means in short; I can pay my bills. Which in this day in age is quite phenomenal. I'll be employed until Sept 30, 2009 and then a couple different things could happen: I could re-enlist or get comissioned. Either one is fine, the later would put the wiffle and I in a better place. We'll see what happens.

It's getting warm here and it's about to be beach time.

I guess not that much has happened now that I'm sitting here writing about it....Hmmmm.

Thanks for reading this tiny post.


PS: The headline may or may not be a sweet link somewhere cool.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'm so glad you love us internet stalkers. Blog stalking is not that much when you don't update, haha :] Good luck with the job, and play in the ocean for me and Kemper!!

p.s. let me know when TJ's picture is up, I looked for it but couldn't find it.