
Myanmar, Huh? Tragic? Yes. Our Problem? No.

At the risk of sounding like a completely insensitive, bastard, I'm going to say it. Not our fight.
Myanmar's little mudslides and the spattering of rain they got. Ah....whatever.

I just heard from Bob Villa and he said that in his professional opinion, your primary domicile should not be made of mud and sticks or situated at the bottom of a huge muddy mountain on the edge of a river.

The millions of dollars of aid, we felt it necessary to send to these people, got caught in limbo or in the hands of people who didn't really need the help is hilarious to me. The freaks in our country who 'take-up-the-cause' for the nasty little sneezes of countries, without even thinking about the problems in our country, confuse me. Gee, how much could a couple millions of dollars fix in some of the inner cities in the deep south or in developing ways to get our oil out of Alaska without disrupting the Elks. Bad investment, America, very, very bad. My financial forecast from this little adventure is: the return on this Myanmar investment is SQUAT. Thanks for playing.

Noted. It's awesome to me to think these people are surprised their country is in shambles after a big rain. Yeah it might be a REALLY big rain, but for crying out loud. If you'd send your people to school and maybe mix a batch of concrete, the sky's the limit.

My advice. Buck-up and three cheers for the Commies.


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