
The Liberal Left-Coast is at it Again...and the P-Word Countdown Begins...

So after 60-plus-years of fighting for the right to butt burgle and carpet buffet...the society of misfits, known as the homosexual community is now able to legally marry...each other. Granted it's only the state of California who follows the lead of Massachusetts. Sox fans eat your hearts out...I would have to renounce everything I love and cherish about the great state of North Carolina, if it were to pass legislation allowing the Q's to be legally wed. I really don't know where this country is going. Back in the day we were all about preserving the moral fiber of our country. Nowadays countries seem to be in a race to see whose moral fiber can unravel the fastest. For the full story head over to the NYTimes...

To perpetuate the gloom....This friday we are going to the password protected version of BlockThat!. Maybe one day when the drama in my life winds down I'll tear down the walls of password fortress I'm forced to create and the floodgates will open and nonsensical nonsense will spill forth into the hungry minds of the populace. Till then...read up and make sure I've got your email.



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