
Good Day Blogerica...or Amerilog...

It's a fine day to be alive. A fine, fine day. I think I'm going to head out of work early today and hit the gym. I've been going to the gym with fantastic regularity and have put on about 4 pounds of muscle in about 3 weeks. So...yeah getting bulky.

My Mandy is enjoying it as am I enjoying, her enjoying it. Words. Words are fun.

I'm at a loss at the moment. I'm trying to make sense of working again. Working a 7:30-4:30. I'm now a drilling reservist in my beloved yet beleaguered Corps. It's a strange time we live in. With the BIG war still going on. I mean, it's going on only so far as we are still sending people over to it. It's not still "Raging", or "raging" in the sense of the Battle of Iwo Jima or Fallujah '04. Raging in more of an occupying force sort of way.
It's funny to hear junior troops talking about 'getting in on the action'. It's funny because the majority of the battles are against getting blown up. You can't really respond to getting blown up with automatic weapon fire. No amount of 'Talking Guns' is going to save you from a car door slicing you in half. So, the rage is mental. The rage is boredom. The rage is feeling like you've missed the party, the keg is spitting foam, and it's nothing but tipsy fat girls hanging out. Seriously I know. I've talked to the guys just getting back. Unfortunately I didn't get to Iraq. I was way too busy evacuating American Citizens from Beirut Lebanon. Sorry for missing the party.

But it's a funny place being surrounded by Marines, who've never gone anywhere. To hear them talk about a 'warrior-mindset' is hilarious. "Keep your mind sharpened like a well maintained razor-blade..." "The scalpel that is your mind should never dull..." Blah. Blah. Blah.

Have fun.

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