
Alcohol Update

I'm starting the Alcohol Update. Welcome.

First order of business is Mississippi Mud, a delicious black and tan beverage from the Matt Brewery in Utica New York.

Here's the commercial description:

"Dating back to 18th century England, the custom of blending pale and dark beers has kept the "Black & Tan" a favorite of experienced beer drinkers for centuries. Our famous recipe combines a robust English Porter with a fine Continental Pilsner, preserving the character of each, while creating the classic taste of the legendary "Black & Tan." In true American style, we bring you the best of both beers as they meet in Mississippi Mud."

It's sold in a great moonshine looking jug with a screw-off top and a vintage looking label.

First visual impression when pouring it is, "This looks just like it should, really dark with a fantastic creamy head."

First tasting impression is, "Rich, Robust, Full, and surprisingly creamy with an uncharacteristically un-bitter aftertaste."

It is a pleasing brew that can be indulged in plentifully with little or no stereotypical repercussions. I drank a quart jug in one sitting and was barely, but coherently buzzed. By one sitting I mean over the course of about 2 hours. So My recommendation is that you all sample this delicious dark brew...

For those of you who may desire more information about this fantastic beverage I encourage you to follow this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_and_Tan

Happy Drinking,


DISCLAIMER** This segment is not condoning the misuse of alcohol in any way shape or form. This segment is being weblished for the information and the responsible, enjoyment of fine beverages and in no way liable for any criminal or civil crimes committed by readers of this fine weblog. **DISCLAIMER

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