
Waxed...It's Not That Bad...And It Looks Sexy as Hell...

That's right, Public. I got my back waxed and it was a fantastic experience. For all of you who don't know, I'm Italian and German and thus hirsute...

So I travelled to a local community college where their cosmetology department offers at a reduced rate, various beauty enhancements. Including but not limited to, back waxing.

I opted for the back wax or the "bax" as I'm now referring to it as. The nice girls there asked if I'd ever had a bax. I of coursed haven't so I told them no, but that I wasn't worried. I'm a tattoo guy, how bad could it be? So I pulled off my favorite, Commerce Bank, shirt and took my spot on the table. (NOTE: I don't bank with Commerce Bank, but I do enjoy advertising for them.)

So they smatter the scalding hot wax onto my back, "they" happen to be Crystal and Kathy, students at the school.

They waxed and stripped and then ripped the strips off, over and over. It was time consuming but, they did a great job and I plan on going back for touch ups to fight against my genes.

About an hour and a half later my back was hairless and I'm now sitting here writing about it.
I'm going to recommend it to anyone who has hair they don't want...waxing is the bomb. All the talk about it hurting really bad is all hype...it's a fantastic invention. Thanks for reading....


2cool4school said...

hopefully you don't "sax!" ouch!


Lois Lane v7.0 said...

You know, if you're ever feeling especially hairy before payday rolls around, you could always ask Mandy to shave your back hair. It's a great way to test the relationship...