
Guys: As A Species We're Not Doing So Great...Nothing Brings This Home Like Christmas...

I've been in my share of relationships and I'm fully aware when my significant other mentions that she wants a particular item for Christmas,Birthday, Anniversary, ETC....I do my best to remember said item so when the event rolls around I'm not the guy I saw in Bath and Body Works the other day. This guy didn't look like he knew if he was supposed to be there buying tires or potpourri. I'm going to guess that he didn't pay attention to the woman in his life or he doesn't know his mom very well. Another thing guys; if your girlfriend or wife mentions how nice it would be to have something. That means they want it and you can either buy it for them or they will use your money later and buy it for themselves. Make the holiday season or whatever the occasion, easier on yourself and make a note about what they want or could use. In my defense; I was at the Mall in BBW's with Dirks' wife because she wanted to pick up some smelly-stuff for their house. I needed to go to the Mall to purchase a French-Cuff shirt for my dad to compliment the cufflinks that mom got him for his birthday and she tagged along. I can't have people thinking inappropriate things about me...
If you are one of those dudes who's ignored your wife or girlfriend all year as to her wants and needs here's a fail-safe Warren Piece Will Bail My Goofy-Hind-End Out of This Jam, Gift Suggestion.
Women until time runs out or Christ returns will be concerned about how they look, feel, smell and the like. You can never go wrong buying beauty products. BBW's is a great place to go if you want to spend the dough. ("That Guy" that I saw in there had the right idea but didn't need to look so lost.) This is anything from lotions, little soaps, big soaps, air fresheners, fragrant candles, work with me here just about anything that they sell at BBW's or the Body Shop. The key to purchasing things from these stores is quantity. Buy many things. If you, for example, buy Cucumber Melon lotions go the extra mile and get the matching soap or air freshener. (most women already have a favorite scent...Do some investigating before you venture out to the smelly soap store)
As I further immerse myself into this joyous holiday season I'll have more tips. But the biggest tip is not to forget that Christ's Birth is the reason for the season and without that gift we'd all be in a world of hurt. Piece Out.

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