
ReRun? Maybe...But Relevant...

Bosses. Where do they come from and where do they get there skewed logic? Until I start my own company or start telemarketing from my house I'm going to have a boss. A boss that will talk to me about nonsense while I'm working and task me with mundane things to do because he doesn't want to let me leave work early or have any time to myself. Not only that how do bosses wake up every morning thinking that everything that comes out of their mouth is profound and of the utmost importance to their subordinates? That will forever boggle my mind. The time that gets wasted hearing my boss talk about something that doesn't matter or could be simply summed up in two minutes ends up taking twenty-five. Bosses need to come to the realization that their jokes are generally not funny, their sense of style will never be copied, and their opinions and advice about my person life will never be valid or welcome. Bosses are just that, bosses. I'm convinced that they act the way they do because they think that they are coming across as caring and sensitive. Instead they come across as insincere and annoying. If bosses want their people to think they care the best way to do that is to actually care. Stop faking. The best way to gain subordinates respect is to respect them. The cheesy facade is clearly a cheesy facade. Bosses you are transparent. I'm done. Piece Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that many employees think that bosses are supposed to care what their employees think. Employees are generally paid to follow directions. If employees would recognize that their ability to make an impact is directly related to how well they do their jobs, they would find their employers treating them more like peers than not. Work hard, be diligent, simply do your job well. I agree you are not paid to laugh at bad jokes.. it may be your bosses way to get you to respect his/her authority and do your job rather that grousing about your job situation.