
Ok...Consequences...It's what you can expect if you do something STUPID>

Before I start this post, I'm going to let you know that you're going to think that I'm an insensitive douchebag.

Elizabeth Securro a girl who went to UVA as a 17 year-old virgin in 1984, went to a frat party with her new, homosexual friend, who remains nameless, thankfully enough his name is of no importance. The party evidently and according to NBC's Dateline, Saturday night edition, was a typical fraternity party, with scantily-clad women, free flowing beer and enough drunkeness to render an under-aged Liz, drunk in a new place. She surrounded by people she couldn't trust for the simple reason that she didn't know any of them...

She accepted drink from one of the frat-brothers, during a "Tour of the Frat House", called the House-Special. Ok. Pause. If you, regardless of age, are a young woman who accepts a drink from a stranger called a House-Special, then you are a d*mbsh*t.

And away we go again...20 years later she recieves a leter from the alleged rapist; William Beebe. He wrote it to apologize for assaulting her 20 years ago. She wrote him back!
Pause. If you were assaulted and then received a letter from the alleged offender, would you write him back? I personally wouldn't. Who's to say that Beebe wouldn't get off knowing that he permenantly scarred ole'girl? Also, College parties can get pretty wild and crazy.

Moving on; Can you hold someone responsible for rape if you were drunk, under-age in a new place and accepting a drink called the HOUSE-SPECIAL, from a strange man? After corresponding with Beebe for a number of emails, she reasoned in her heart that the only person that could help her sort all this out was the local police chief.

So after 23 years she's pressing charges, trying to get Beebe convicted of a rape that happened over two decades ago. I say that if she gets to charge him with rape, she needs to be charged with under-aged drinking, because even in 1984, 17 was under-aged.

I'm going to play devils-reject for a second; Do you think, honestly, that Beebe was the only guy that decided it was a good idea to cash in on a young, nubile, unconscious, allegedly virgin chick? NO. I'm going to say that Liz Securro was more than likely hit by a train. A long, convenient, likely un-express, train.

1 comment:

2cool4school said...

p.s.- the tragic story of this young lady reminds me that of another girl down on her luck. Anna Nicole Smith. Anyone? No? Ok, well she later died. Well, more recently, than later.

-Captain Package